Confidentiality Agreement Terms and Conditions

A. The Recipient has requested Confidential Information relating to the vendor for the purpose of investigating the possible purchase of the Vendor’s business by the Recipient (“the Purpose”)

B. The Recipient has agreed to keep confidential all Confidential Information disclosed to it by the Vendor’s Agent.



1.1 In this Deed:

“Confidential Information” means all information concerning the Vendor or the Vendor’s business (including by way of example only development plans, designs, inventions, know-­how, procedures, formulas, recipes, trade secrets, marketing plans, technical and manufacturing specifications, instructions, technical data, financial position and performance information, accounting records and projections) of any nature and in any form, whether oral, digital or written or howsoever expressed, supplied at any time to or for the benefit of the Recipient by the Vendor or the Vendor’s Agent.

“Representative” means any employee or agent or adviser of the Recipient, or a representative of any of the Recipient’s advisers, to whom Confidential Information is disclosed.

Nulla sit amet elit a purus condimentum mollis ac vel ipsum. Aliquam luctus tortor odio, at posuere velit fermentum a. Pellentesque vel porttitor purus, et eleifend elit. Nullam eu ipsum quis tellus vehicula laoreet. Phasellus mollis lacus neque, eu adipiscing mi semper in. Aenean eget ultrices est. Mauris vel malesuada arcu, sit amet malesuada urna. Nullam blandit aliquam turpis vel lobortis. Phasellus luctus velit ac mauris pharetra, a fringilla purus sagittis. Mauris id libero dictum, rutrum justo ac, congue orci. Phasellus sagittis lectus ac elementum faucibus. Integer eget vulputate dolor. Nunc eu sapien purus. Vestibulum ac nisl vel ipsum scelerisque ultricies a eu lectus.