Fyran Boats
For Sale by Negotiation ID # 1680123
· Based in Auckland at East Tamaki
· Fully staffed manufacturing facility
· Brand new boat designs with complete design specifications
· On view at the Auckland Boat Show
One of New Zealand’s oldest boating manufacturers Fyran Marine Limited is offered for sale.
This sale includes the Fyran and Parkercraft brands, Fixed Assets, Plant & Machinery, Stock, Raw Materials and Finished Goods Inventory, plus intellectual property including website and boat plans and designs.
The company has just completed a full review and revamp of all models with the 660HT Escape and new 550 being launched at the 2015 Auckland Boat Show currently under way and concluding Sunday evening.
Throughout the review the focus has been on producing a high quality product, taking full advantage of both the design and production capabilities at the plant.
To quote experienced boating journalist Barry Thompson “I have seen quite a change in Fyran as a brand and there is certainly a whole new ethos about the product. In talking to the dealers, Fyran is a brand on the way back.” Further, “Fyran is still a great brand and is iconic to the marine industry”.
The parent company finds this business no longer fits within its strategic plan and direction..