Why use Barfoot & Thompson


If you have already the read the section on selling your business and why use a broker it is now time to understand why you would use Barfoot & Thompson Commercial in preference to other business sales companies.

Experienced Negotiators
Barfoot business brokers are specialists in selling and negotiating sales of businesses. Using Barfoot also demonstrates clear intent to buyers. Any business can be sold by an owner, but rarely can they negotiate a premium price for the business, their most valuable asset. This is due to emotion and being involved in the sale they invariably get too close to the purchaser during negotiation.

Deal Facilitators
Every sale transaction has potential pitfalls; Bayleys business and company sales team will ensure your business is as prepared as possible for sale and they are experienced in overcoming those issues. 

Using an independent company allows you and your company to remain anonymous during the early stages of the sales process, minimising disruption to your business and with key stakeholders, suppliers and staff.

A business specialist can be more objective and less emotive with the issues arising in the deal process allowing the owners to remain focused on running the business. We specialise in larger sales and therefore have the expertise to analyse the data and information and decide when to bring in outside parties to assist in the process.

Most Buyers will prefer to deal with an independent intermediary; this keeps the process objective and provides a degree of separation if the negotiations become difficult. It also means post transaction inter-relationships can be more easily managed.

Access to the Buyers market
The Barfoot & Thompson reputation means it has wide access to the whole market. It has excellent systems to access buyers all over the country using its own nationwide database of accountants, lawyers and buyers and websites ensure it gets your business opportunity in front of as many interested buyers as possible.

Barfoot business brokers have only one focus, the successful sale of your business. They can manage multiple parties effectively.

Structured Process
At Barfoot & Thompson we use a structured sales process for the sale of your business that provides us with a thorough understanding of your business, the pitfalls that may arise during the process and knowledge to identify a strategic purchaser.

Selling your business is both a time consuming process and a significant distraction to on-going operations. Your specialist brokers will control and manage the timeline and pace at which your business is marketed.

Support & Motivation
Selling your business can be one of the most frustrating and time consuming periods which you can imagine. It will often take much longer and involve complex situations you never anticipated. To get it right, and to get the right price, your Barfoot specialist is there to provide support and keep you motivated and focused on the end goal.